MECO-DREV spol. s r. o.


MECO-DREV spol. s r. o.

MECO-DREV spol. s r. o.

We have been on the wood processing market since 1997 and focus on the production of palisades. The story of MECO-DREV spol s r.o. began in 1997 with the decision to build our own manufacturing site. After completion of the production hall and the assembly and commissioning of the fabrication line, production commenced in October of the same year. In 2004, our company received the 3EC- certificate .

With an annual production volume of roughly 3.000 m3, we are a medium-sized manufacturer. What makes us unique compared to our competitors, is the processing of our own round timber, since the owner of MECO DREV spol s r.o. – Mr. Jerome Colloredo-Mannsfeld – also owns the largest private woodlands in the Czech Republic. This enables us to offer our end products at very favourable prices.


An essential feature of our production is the emphasis on the ecological aspect of the entire operation. The processing of bar timber allows the recovery of a significant part of our harvest previously used only marginally (mine timber, low value construction elements), as its small dimensions complicated its effective use in furniture and construction industry. Our production is based on the complex recovery of raw materials on the principle of zero-waste technologies.
Fotografie palisád připravených k prodeji

Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 6:00 až 14:30 hod.
Pick-up: 7:00 am to 1:30 pm

MECO-DREV spol. s r.o.

Holoubkov 340, 338 01 Holoubkov
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 371 751 162